Horizon: The Secret You

Uncover the mysteries of consciousness and self-awareness

About the Documentary

"The Secret You" is a fascinating Horizon documentary that delves into the nature of human consciousness and self-awareness. Presented by Marcus du Sautoy, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, this thought-provoking exploration takes viewers on a journey through the latest research and experiments in neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy.

The documentary tackles fundamental questions about the nature of our conscious experience: How do we know we're conscious? What creates our sense of self? And could machines ever truly be self-aware?

Key Experiments and Insights

The Rubber Hand Illusion

This experiment demonstrates how easily our sense of self can be manipulated. Participants experience a rubber hand as if it were their own, showing how our brain constructs our bodily awareness.

The Mirror Test

Originally designed to test self-awareness in animals, this experiment involves placing a mark on a subject's face and observing their reaction when they see themselves in a mirror. The documentary explores what this test reveals about consciousness in humans and other species.

Brain Imaging Studies

Using advanced brain imaging techniques, researchers show how different parts of the brain light up during conscious experiences, offering insights into the neural correlates of consciousness.

The Split-Brain Experiment

This groundbreaking study on patients with severed corpus callosums reveals how our sense of a unified self might be an illusion created by our brain.

Philosophical Implications

The documentary doesn't shy away from the profound philosophical questions raised by these scientific investigations. It explores concepts like free will, the nature of reality, and the possibility of artificial consciousness, encouraging viewers to reconsider their assumptions about the self and consciousness.