VR History: A Comprehensive Timeline and Video Series

Welcome to our interactive journey through the fascinating history of Virtual Reality (VR). This page combines a timeline of key milestones with a curated video series that delves deeper into the evolution of VR technology.

Video Series: The Evolution of VR

Before we dive into the timeline, let's introduce you to an excellent video series that explores the history and development of VR in depth. This playlist, curated by VR enthusiasts and historians, provides a comprehensive look at the journey of Virtual Reality from its conceptual beginnings to modern applications.

This playlist covers various aspects of VR history, including early concepts, technological breakthroughs, key innovators, and the impact of VR on different industries. We encourage you to watch these videos alongside our timeline for a more immersive learning experience.

VR History Timeline


Charles Wheatstone invents the stereoscope, laying the foundation for 3D viewing.


Edward Link creates the "Link trainer," the first commercial flight simulator.


Morton Heilig patents the Telesphere Mask, considered the first head-mounted display.


Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull create the first VR/AR head-mounted display system, "The Sword of Damocles".


Jaron Lanier coins the term "Virtual Reality" and founds VPL Research, the first company to sell VR goggles and gloves.


Virtuality Group launches Virtuality, the first mass-produced, networked, multiplayer VR entertainment systems.


SEGA announces the Sega VR headset for the Sega Genesis console at CES.


Nintendo releases the Virtual Boy, the first portable game console capable of displaying "true 3D graphics".


Palmer Luckey designs the prototype of the Oculus Rift.


Facebook acquires Oculus VR for $2 billion.


Sony releases PlayStation VR, HTC and Valve Corporation release the HTC Vive, and Oculus releases Oculus Rift.


Oculus releases the Oculus Quest, a standalone VR headset.


Continued advancements in VR technology, including improved resolution, field of view, and haptic feedback. The concept of the "metaverse" gains traction.

Connecting the Timeline to the Video Series

As you explore the timeline, we encourage you to refer back to the video series. Many of the events and innovations mentioned in the timeline are covered in greater detail in the videos. This combination of text and video content provides a rich, multi-faceted understanding of VR's history.

For example, video #3 in the series might dive deep into the creation of the Sword of Damocles in 1968, while video #7 could explore the impact of Palmer Luckey's Oculus Rift prototype in 2010. By moving between the timeline and the video series, you can gain both a broad overview and detailed insights into key moments in VR history.


This timeline represents just a fraction of the rich history of VR. The field continues to evolve rapidly, with new innovations and applications emerging regularly. From its early conceptual stages to today's immersive experiences, VR has come a long way and promises an exciting future.

We hope this combination of our timeline and the curated video series provides you with a comprehensive understanding of VR's fascinating journey. For further exploration, don't forget to check out our VR History Lecture Series or visit the Virtual Reality Museum.